The rainforest – an endangered ecosystem

The tropical rainforests are vital for people and nature: They are home to more than half of all animal and plant species on the global mainland and more than 25 percent of all trees worldwide. As climate regulators, the tropical rainforests have an influence on the lives of all people. Along with fossil coal, oil and gas deposits, they are the largest carbon store in the world. During the rainy season, the rainforests function like giant sponges. Through this function they influence the heat and water balance of the entire world. But their destruction is progressing apace.

STIHL’s success is built on healthy forests and intact nature. In this video, you can find out why this is the case and how STIHL works for forests around the world.

STIHL and the Rainforest

STIHL´s success is based on healthy forests and an intact natural environment. Find out why this is the case and how STIHL is commited to forests worldwide in this video.

Burn clearance and illegal logging destroy the rainforest

Much rainforest deforestation is the result of burning clearance in order to gain agricultural land – to some extent by settler families moving around (shifting agriculture), and also by large landowners who create huge livestock pastures and plantations on the cleared land. After the burning process, erosion and rain quickly wash out the fertile humus residues – and the soil deteriorates.

Burn clearance and illegal logging destroy the rainforest

Another threat to forests is illegal logging. To prevent the misuse of STIHL power tools in such operations, when selling we build in checks and registrations within the framework of worldwide legislation. In countries in the rainforest zone, our products are only sold to authorized specialist dealers who are bound by legal regulations, some of which are very strict. In some countries, including Brazil, chainsaw buyers must obtain official approval, and will need to provide detailed reasons for purchasing to do so. 

However, over and over again we see the market hit with illegal copies of STIHL saws, which outwardly resemble the real thing in every detail. This harms us because it means our company’s reputation may be associated with illegal logging – quite apart from the fact that these imitations are inferior versions of STIHL products, and as such also represent a major safety risk.

STIHL – a company that takes responsibility

As the world’s largest chainsaw brand, STIHL is committed to forests and the sustainable use of wood as a resource. Both locally and globally, we support initiatives and projects to protect forests. In addition to reforestation, this often involves raising the local population’s awareness about the value of forests – including economic value. If people see that they can earn a living with and through the ancient forests in a forest-friendly manner, conservation and reforestation become attractive to them.

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