Leandro N. Alem 592, Piso 6°
C1001AAN - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires

Telephone: +54 7078 0840

Represented by the directors: 
Court and registration number: Registration number in the General Inspection of Justice: 1,653,919
CUIT: 30-69693085-2

Out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes

Argentine Law 26,589 and other laws issued by the provinces and other jurisdictions in Argentina provide different mediation and arbitration procedures in relation to disputes with consumers. Some of these procedures are necessary before a lawsuit can be filed in court. In the absence of a legal obligation to participate in dispute resolution procedures before a consumer conciliation body or before any other extrajudicial body, STIHL MOTOIMPLEMENTOS SAU is not obliged and does not wish to participate in such dispute resolution procedures.